They Don't Know
We are living on a coffee plantation. Most weekday mornings, the small crew of coffee pickers come through the gate, dragging along their nine and eleven-year-old children to play while they pick.
Are You Being Held In Tension?
“What if where you feel the tension you discover God’s intention for you?”
Lessons I’ve Learned From My Dog
Seven years ago, my life changed. We added a dog to our family. The idea of getting a dog was not mine.
I Wish I Would’ve Known
I was a little naughty.
My college roommate, Troy, was visiting me in Pennsylvania from his home in North Carolina. I had just started getting to know a cute girl (who I later married.)
The Launch 61
Imagine this: the students who bravely stepped into high school amidst the whirlwind of the pandemic are now on the verge of graduating. Wow!
Drifting Into Ruts
I was speaking with a church that has been without a staff worship leader for nearly a year.
Leadership is creational, meaning you create who you are and replicate what’s inside you.
The Five Faders: An Overview
The Five Faders is the single concept that will likely create the most dramatic, positive change in your leadership and your team’s health.
Right now, you are feeling what you thought earlier. You believe what you think. This year, you’ll create the reality you’ve imagined.
De Los Dientes Para Afuera (What?!)
I love Costa Rican “dichos” - idioms or sayings that get thrown into almost every conversation.
Who Are You Chasing?
Who Are You Chasing? New pedals? Bethel’s vibe? Happiness? A bigger worship team?
How To Un-train Vibrato
How do you un-train vibrato from someone’s voice so they can sing as a modern worship team vocalist?
How To Lead A Healthy Tech Team - Arrival
We continue our series from Audio Coach Tony Guyer. Today we ask “How do I know when I’ve arrived?”
How To Lead A Healthy Tech Team - Culture
We continue our series from Audio Coach Tony Guyer. Today we ask “What Does Your Culture Look Like?”
How To Lead A Healthy Tech Team - Standards
Today, Audio Coach Tony Guyer brings us the first of a three-week series to strengthen your tech team!
The DS-11 Is Your Passport
I sat around the table with my worship leader friends and asked them this question. “What’s it like when you schedule training for your team?”
How To Unstick Your Lowest Fader: PRODUCER
The Producer is an Architect that designs excellence and transcendence. They plan to exceed the usual limits and love to have a well-planned service executed with excellence.
How To Unstick Your Lowest Fader: EDUCATOR
The Educator is a Mentor that embodies wisdom and capability. They bring out the best in others, helping everyone to be well-equipped.