Local Worship Training Events

Five Faders + Reading Past the Chords

Five Faders + Reading Past the Chords

First, you’ll learn how understanding what motivates is the roadmap to having the most fun and being the most effective individually and as a team. Whether you know the Five Faders or it’s brand new to you, you’ll take steps toward becoming the best version of yourself and help your team grow in confidence and effectiveness.

Then, you’ll get to apply those principles to learning how to elevate your music in an interactive guided discussion time.

Have you ever stared at a chord chart, unsure how to make music from it? Or have you ever been stumped in helping your team sound… a little more like the recording or a little more musical? We’ll discuss how to read chord charts more effectively, learn ideas that explore music theory beyond the written chords, learn tricks for understanding all keys, and learn how to listen for and add what your band is missing.

Our schedule for the morning:

8:45 Coffee and donuts fellowship

9:15 Worship

9:45 Interactive teaching and guided discussion

12:00 Lunch (with discussion questions based on the teaching)

1:00 End

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