Drifting Into Ruts
I was speaking with a church that has been without a staff worship leader for nearly a year.
Leadership is creational, meaning you create who you are and replicate what’s inside you.
Who Are You Chasing?
Who Are You Chasing? New pedals? Bethel’s vibe? Happiness? A bigger worship team?
What Your Worship Leader Isn’t Telling You
Some worship leader - senior pastor relationships are fantastic!
Dodging Decision Disasters
My family and I are making a big decision about where to live. We had an unexpected (yet long-prayed-for) opportunity that came upon us suddenly last Friday.
Do You Embrace Inclusion More Than Excellence?
Does your church have non-leaders leading, non-singers singing, non-musicians playing, non-communicators communicating, etc.? Many churches live in this uncomfortable reality.
What’s My Perception?
I asked my worship leader friend what his job was. He replied something like, “I just have to make sure there’s worship when we need it.”
“And Other Duties As Assigned”
I’ve been looking at lots of worship leader job descriptions lately as we help several churches look for staff. Almost all of them have some kitchen-junk-drawer statement at the end of the responsibilities
Burnout: The Anatomy Of A Dead Worship Leader
I spoke with yet another pastor who is looking for a worship leader. This one was lost to burnout.
The Need For Guest Worship Leaders
I ask myself “Where are the other leaders at the church?”
Relationships: A Roadmap For A Growing Disciple
Every leader disciple needs to learn how to work with people.
4 Reasons Teams Feel Isolated And Burned Out (and what to do about it)
Do you want current members to serve for a long time?
Worship Ministry Devotions
Do you wish that rehearsal would go deeper than just pulling the music together?