The Twenty-One Mile Challenge
Seeing where you’re going is more important than you think. Ask any of us who have meandered through a dark house on the way to a bathroom break in the middle of the night only to find out just how flexible our little toe is compared to the coffee table leg. Right?
I Wish I Would’ve Known
I was a little naughty.
My college roommate, Troy, was visiting me in Pennsylvania from his home in North Carolina. I had just started getting to know a cute girl (who I later married.)
What Your Worship Leader Isn’t Telling You
Some worship leader - senior pastor relationships are fantastic!
A Family Of Worshipers
What’s your worship team like? And by “worship team,” I mean the musicians and techs together.
Are you like a Worship Family? A Worship Indie Band? A Worship Elevator? Let me describe each one.
How To Increase Congregational Engagement
Today, I’m giving you an outline rather than paragraphs. That’s obvious.
But what’s not obvious is how much what you do impacts congregational engagement. I want to challenge us, as leaders, to grow in BEING: