They Don't Know
We are living on a coffee plantation. Most weekday mornings, the small crew of coffee pickers come through the gate, dragging along their nine and eleven-year-old children to play while they pick.
Remove The K And Finish The Word
When we start something, we’re never amazing at it. This Fertilizer is dedicated to worship leaders, teams, and techs in their first five years of serving.
The Twenty-One Mile Challenge
Seeing where you’re going is more important than you think. Ask any of us who have meandered through a dark house on the way to a bathroom break in the middle of the night only to find out just how flexible our little toe is compared to the coffee table leg. Right?
The only 5 things you need... and other platitudes that don’t really work
Whenever I browse social media, I consistently see posts about “the only 5 magical things that can do everything better…” #clickbait
Alone Time
Have you been hurried into thinking that doing work for God is like being with Him?
Are You Being Held In Tension?
“What if where you feel the tension you discover God’s intention for you?”
Lessons I’ve Learned From My Dog
Seven years ago, my life changed. We added a dog to our family. The idea of getting a dog was not mine.
The Launch 61
Imagine this: the students who bravely stepped into high school amidst the whirlwind of the pandemic are now on the verge of graduating. Wow!
Drifting Into Ruts
I was speaking with a church that has been without a staff worship leader for nearly a year.
Leadership is creational, meaning you create who you are and replicate what’s inside you.
Songs Of Deliverance Actually Work!
Yesterday, I was battling low-grade anxiety for most of the day.
Right now, you are feeling what you thought earlier. You believe what you think. This year, you’ll create the reality you’ve imagined.
Missionary IQ Test
If you brave using a public restroom at a park, the odds are already stacked against you, right?
Stale, Rotten, Rancid, and Spoiled
We have lovely conversations around our dining room table. And not a small handful of odd ones. This Monday’s breakfast was no exception.
De Los Dientes Para Afuera (What?!)
I love Costa Rican “dichos” - idioms or sayings that get thrown into almost every conversation.