Does Your Church Prioritize Worship?
Worship MUST be your priority because it SETS your priority.
My team feels everything is fine. All is well and good. The bare minimum is the status quo. And the status quo is the bare minimum.
They show up, but not with their parts learned.
Don’t even think about taking them through a training course or having a day retreat to learn and grow together. We’re fine. Why would we need that?
When worship isn’t your priority, other things will be. The Old Testament is littered with kings who had their priorities messed up.
We could talk about lots of ways to prioritize worship, but I’ll focus on one: the discipleship of your worship team.
My pastor has said that the musicians and singers on stage should be the most fully discipled people in the church because they are so influential.
It’s time we prioritize worship by investing in our people!
Once, I was in conversation with a worship leader about the possibility of a retreat for his team. He responded, “We are currently repairing our building and getting ready to remodel so there are some other financial needs that take priority.” And I get it, we have different needs and priorities. It’s not wrong to fix your building. Please do. Just not at the expense of your people.
So here we are, three months into a new year. What have you done in the last 78 days of 2025 to disciple your team? What weekly rhythms do you practice that help the individuals on your team (music and tech) to fall more in love with Jesus?
Before you “Jesus isn’t my boyfriend” me, let me say it this way. One of my teens just said we have to “trust God harder.” I corrected him by saying we must surrender more fully, not try harder. We don’t grit our way into faith, we open our hands and give up to the One in control.
So we don’t “fall in love with Jesus” as much as we live in more givenness to Him and grow close and intimate. We surrender and abandon everything else but Jesus.
How are we helping our teams do that?
-Dave Helmuth
(purchase my book, "Worship Fertilizer: (the first hundred)" HERE)
Does Your Church Prioritize Worship? (Nº 425)