The Twenty-One Mile Challenge
Seeing where you’re going is more important than you think. Ask any of us who have meandered through a dark house on the way to a bathroom break in the middle of the night only to find out just how flexible our little toe is compared to the coffee table leg. Right?
Rehearsal Notes
Next week, I fly to Columbus, Ohio, to encourage a worship and creative team. I’ll be rehearsing them and leading the Sunday services as part of the training weekend. In preparation, I’m sending them notes on one of the songs we’ll lead.
The Launch 61
Imagine this: the students who bravely stepped into high school amidst the whirlwind of the pandemic are now on the verge of graduating. Wow!
Drifting Into Ruts
I was speaking with a church that has been without a staff worship leader for nearly a year.
Leadership is creational, meaning you create who you are and replicate what’s inside you.
Kondratowski Family Keys
I was talking with coach Walter K, and he was reveling in a simple idea that has made a significant difference in congregational engagement.
Who Are You Chasing?
Who Are You Chasing? New pedals? Bethel’s vibe? Happiness? A bigger worship team?
Core Competencies
I read a job description for a Director of Music and was struck by the first “Core Competency” required.
The Top Five Songs
Have you ever used Planning Center Online’s list of top songs to help you plan your set?
Watching Isn't Playing
I had made it to eighth grade. My basketball career grew in spite of my culture shock from our transition from Costa Rica to San Antonio, Texas, about two years earlier.
Dodging Decision Disasters
My family and I are making a big decision about where to live. We had an unexpected (yet long-prayed-for) opportunity that came upon us suddenly last Friday.
Do You Embrace Inclusion More Than Excellence?
Does your church have non-leaders leading, non-singers singing, non-musicians playing, non-communicators communicating, etc.? Many churches live in this uncomfortable reality.
How To Avoid Exhaustion
I just returned from an overstuffed, extended weekend in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. It was my first time back in the US since moving to Costa Rica about 20 months ago.
Why Not Now?
This year has been both a punch to the gut and a kick in the pants. How are you responding?
Get The Paddles Out
I was leading Sunday morning worship at this church. I greeted the assembled worshipers and… got back a very wimpy response. I felt like I was looking at a room of corpses.
How Healthy Is Your Team?
As we approach the end of the year, I encourage you to take a moment between sips of 'nog (stay tuned for a killer recipe) to reflect on the state of your team's relationships.