They Don't Know
We are living on a coffee plantation. Most weekday mornings, the small crew of coffee pickers come through the gate, dragging along their nine and eleven-year-old children to play while they pick.
Lessons I’ve Learned From My Dog
Seven years ago, my life changed. We added a dog to our family. The idea of getting a dog was not mine.
Rehearsal Notes
Next week, I fly to Columbus, Ohio, to encourage a worship and creative team. I’ll be rehearsing them and leading the Sunday services as part of the training weekend. In preparation, I’m sending them notes on one of the songs we’ll lead.
The Launch 61
Imagine this: the students who bravely stepped into high school amidst the whirlwind of the pandemic are now on the verge of graduating. Wow!
Drifting Into Ruts
I was speaking with a church that has been without a staff worship leader for nearly a year.
Leadership is creational, meaning you create who you are and replicate what’s inside you.
The Five Faders: An Overview
The Five Faders is the single concept that will likely create the most dramatic, positive change in your leadership and your team’s health.
Stale, Rotten, Rancid, and Spoiled
We have lovely conversations around our dining room table. And not a small handful of odd ones. This Monday’s breakfast was no exception.
Kondratowski Family Keys
I was talking with coach Walter K, and he was reveling in a simple idea that has made a significant difference in congregational engagement.
What’s Wrong With Getting Lost In Worship?
My three teenage children went to a youth camp recently.
Who Are You Chasing?
Who Are You Chasing? New pedals? Bethel’s vibe? Happiness? A bigger worship team?
3 Rehearsal Techniques
Do you love rehearsals as much as I do? I admit sometimes they are more fun than the actual service.
The Eye Of The Needle
Very early in my worship leading journey, I attended a worship conference that marked me for life.
The One Day Shelf-Life of Prayer
I’m using an app on my iPhone to track my activity level.