Relationships: A Roadmap For A Growing Disciple
Every leader (read: disciple) needs to learn how to work with people. Whether as a leader or a team member, you have a tremendous responsibility to establish a culture of honor among your team. It’s the only way to love and serve well.
You may have musical skills, professional success, or a passionate spirit, but we each must develop a big heart toward people if we’re going to make it. We can (thankfully) take practical steps to learn to build relationships. Call it people skills, team building, or just being likable, it’s vital!
Stay Humble
Start with this. Default to this. One of my favorite quotes on humility is: “There is no problem that can’t be solved, no situation that can’t be addressed simply by walking in a deeper level of humility!” (Selah)
But what is humility? It’s not shyness, timidity, passiveness, resignation, or having an inferiority complex! Humility is having an accurate view of your importance, a God-view. Ask Him for what He thinks about you. He’ll tell you! Then flavor it with this: “Don’t think you are better than you really are. Be honest in your evaluation of yourselves...” (Hebrews 12:3) And “with humility of mind, regard one another as more important than yourselves.” (Philippians 2:3)
Of course, you are infinitely valuable. It’s just that, compared to others, you must see yourself as less important. And this isn’t a “roll over and play dead,” self-deprecating, “playing nice,” false humility, but an honoring way of living with the realization that “the entire universe with one trifling exception is composed of others.” (John Andrew Holmes) #BAM
Be True
You have opinions, preferences, ideas, personality, values, tastes, and skills. These add to what you bring to the team! Who you are is incredible!
But let’s be clear. I don’t mean the sarcastic, lazy, demanding, pleasure-seeking, hard-to-get-along-with, harsh, irresponsible part of you. That’s “old man” junk. For a long time, I was afraid to grow up in certain areas because I didn’t want to lose my fun-loving, happy-go-lucky personality. Then God revealed this: “Dave, you’ll always be that way, no matter what. So go ahead and grow up.” In other words, I won’t lose my me-ness just because I become responsible. What a relief! Follow me? #seewhatididthere?
Steward It
Freedom comes from taking responsibility for your life. It’s not someone else’s fault, be it the economy, the government, your boss, the sound system, your pastor, your (fill-in-the-musician), your leader, or your congregation.
The only thing you have control over is you. This is your life; are you who you want to be? #helloswitchfoot And the stakes are higher than that - your life isn’t yours. You are a steward. Your life is on loan to you by your Maker. It’s your job to take what He’s given you, steward it, and get an excellent return. One question: “If you hired someone to run your life the way you do, would you fire them?” #thankyoudaveramsey
Navigate Forward
People who lead their own lives always find a way to win, to move forward. In the spirit of the Psalmist in 103, grab yourself by the shirt and say, “Let’s find a way through this!” Stop for a moment and ask the Holy Spirit to shine truth and a creative way forward. He will! #blesstheLordohmysoul
Bless Others
Taking the focus off yourself, your needs, your pity, your wants... and blessing others radically changes the experience! You can pray for them, beautify them with words, commend them for who they are and what they bring to the team, honor them with an important role, buy them lunch, offer to do something for them, and listen to their story. Now put feet to your intent. “Do for one what you wish you could do for everyone.” #andystanleywisdom
How does this strengthen your journey?
Ps. #sorryifyouhatehashtags #theyareso2009
-Dave Helmuth
(purchase my book, "Worship Fertilizer: (the first hundred)" HERE)
Relationships: A Roadmap For A Growing Disciple (Nº 44)