Congregational Voices
I was rehearsing the team and we were deciding how to arrange a song.
Watching Isn't Playing
I had made it to eighth grade. My basketball career grew in spite of my culture shock from our transition from Costa Rica to San Antonio, Texas, about two years earlier.
Leading the Same Room Limits Me
One of your lids as a worship leader may be leading the same room over and over.
Dogs Dig Holes
Crema and Milo, my two street mutts, are lovely creatures. Except when they dig holes. Their habit makes me consider astroturfing the yard. I’m not even kidding.
Limiters of Freedom
We were 100% designed for freedom. Sadly, we don’t often live like it. What limits us?
Worshiping in Freedom
Any stage amplifies what’s already there. Any spotlight highlights what was hidden. If I want to be freer on stage, I need to know what freedom is offstage.
How To Make It Flow
Some churches don’t seem to mind breaks in between songs. You know, the team finishes. There are five seconds of (awkward) silence.
The Weaving
Worship ministry is personal. It’s a beautiful weaving of the human and the Divine. It’s logical and unexplainable. It’s predictable and mysterious. But…
Get The Paddles Out
I was leading Sunday morning worship at this church. I greeted the assembled worshipers and… got back a very wimpy response. I felt like I was looking at a room of corpses.
Actually Believe
So I had this experience where I realized that I had been lulled to sleep. Maybe you can relate to this, because I had forgotten that God is actually steadfast. He’s actually good. He’s actually all-powerful. He’s actually able to do what He said He would do.
Hymns Are Old Burned Up Plastic Bottles
The other night, I was tucking my son into bed and noticed some trash on his bunk bed shelf. It was the remains of an old, burned-up plastic Coke bottle.
7 Words That Could Change The Way You Worship!
Praising by only singing is like golfing with only a putter, baking using only a ¼ cup measuring cup, drawing a rainbow with only a blue crayon, or fixing a car with only a ½” wrench.
12 Ways To Say “Welcome” In Worship
“I guess we’ll go ahead and get started.”
“Please rise to your feet.”
“Good morning…um, good MORNing! ...That’s better.”
Soon Baboon Soon
Every week, when we make music together as worship teams, we have essential musical decisions to make. So here’s a humorous yet insightful story of what it takes to make music together.
How To Increase Congregational Engagement
Today, I’m giving you an outline rather than paragraphs. That’s obvious.
But what’s not obvious is how much what you do impacts congregational engagement. I want to challenge us, as leaders, to grow in BEING:
Platform Modesty and Dress Codes
How modest is modest enough? The most common internal answer is “the same as me or more modest than me.”
Why Raising Your Hands Makes You A Charismatic
“So let me see by a show of hands,” I once asked when leading worship, “how many of you have never raised your hands in worship before?”
(now that wasn’t so bad, was it?)