Twenty-four hours ago, I was leading worship. How did it go? 

How do I know the answer? 

How I felt? How many people thanked or affirmed me? A sense from the LORD? How the music was? How it fit with the rest of the service content? If we stayed in our allotted time? How many times I had to stop the click? If the pastor said something kind about the worship team from the pulpit? If I was able to worship personally? How few people sat down before the end? How many hands were raised? If the congregation’s singing carried it or the band carried it? If I felt like I was singing straight to Jesus…in the room? If there were no train wrecks? If I felt like I was being honest? If I had a “good week” in my walk with God? If my monitor mix was pleasant? If the electric guitar player remembered the lick? If I felt like I belonged at this church today? If I or we had an experience with God’s manifest presence? If we had enough tech problems before the service to evoke a “this is really going to be a good Sunday because there’s warfare against us” from a team member? If I said the right kinds of words to encourage the congregation? If the songs seemed to fit together with each other? If I had picked enough familiar songs? If I did the songs in the best keys? If I noticed my kids singing?

How do we know? We need to know how to know.

I propose three questions:

  1. God, were You pleased?

  2. God, was I obedient to what I felt You told me to do?

  3. God, were Your people blessed?

-Dave Helmuth
(purchase my book, "Worship Fertilizer: (the first hundred)" HERE)

ps. This would be a great discussion to have with your team. It can be an opportunity to teach them what’s important and to go deeper than “y’all sounded great today!”

Reflect (Nº 316)

Dave Helmuth

Out-of-the-box, relational, and energizing, I’m the founder that leads Ad Lib Music and a catalyst that builds connections that strengthen the Church.

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