Tune Your System
I’m always curious. Pretty relentlessly so. Whenever I’m visiting a church, and I get the opportunity to see its soundboard, I look for patterns of overcompensation.
Core Competencies
I read a job description for a Director of Music and was struck by the first “Core Competency” required.
How To Improve The Quality of Your Services
A worship leader recently asked me how to improve the quality of their services. That’s easy.
The Top Five Songs
Have you ever used Planning Center Online’s list of top songs to help you plan your set?
Stop Being A Superstitious Worship Leader
What makes someone a superstitious worship leader? Might you be one?
Loving Your Team (Even When You Don’t Particularly Like Them)
You may be in one of those glorious seasons where you click with everyone on your team. Or…
Which Is More Important: Rehearsal or Service?
How many times have you heard, “It’s just rehearsal. They can miss or be late…”?
What You Need To Hear
I never know what messages you are hearing from others, from yourself, from the voice of the deceiver.
The Good Worshiper
I was reading the parable of the Good Samaritan in Luke 10:25-37 and was stuck by something Jesus did.
What Your Worship Leader Isn’t Telling You
Some worship leader - senior pastor relationships are fantastic!
Contemporary Worship
Have you ever wondered where we got the worship style that many of our churches use?
Don’t Let Sunday Morning Bite You On The Behind
I’m not always aware of it when it happens. But something happens when the service officially starts: Something sneaks up on you and bites you on the behind.