It’s time to deepen your life with God. This is true of each of us regardless of where we are now or where we have been. It’s time to settle into longer times with the LORD in His word, allowing it you shape you. Hear the drawing of the LORD to pull friends and family together and sing your way into His courts. Take your stand in His presence and press in to intercede according to the Spirit’s leading.
The only way to get from point A to point C is to build a highway.
Highways fascinate me. Yes, they are efficient and can take you to beautiful places comfortably. But as I drive along them, I think of what it took to build them and what it takes to maintain them.
I don’t even know the whole process. Still, I’m guessing they had to buy people’s land, design all the exits and crossroads, dynamite the hills in the way, take care of the electrical and waterways, prepare the foundation (I’m tired already!), dump load after load of rock and sand, begin to pave inch after million inches, paint…
Who in their right mind does this!?! Ah…some smart engineer, no doubt.
So back to getting from where we are to where we’re going.
I’ve always loved the beauty of Psalm 84. Many versions translate verse five like this: “Blessed are those whose strength is in you, in whose heart are the highways to Zion.”
We must have one of those highways in our hearts!
Point A to Point C goes through a valley of tears, Point B. The way to make it is by building and maintaining a highway. The next verse gives us our blueprint: “Even when their paths wind through the dark valley of tears, they dig deep to find a pleasant pool where others find only pain.” (TPT)
First, dig deep.
My new friend Benjamin Mora put it this way:
Point A = I don’t want/need/long to seek God (where I’m AT now)
Point B = the dry place (the valley of BACA)
Point C = You are all I want, Jesus! (All I want is CHRIST)
Y’all, everyone is on this journey. You. Your team. Those you leading.
Imagine taking the same care, planning, determination, and investment in building and maintaining this highway in your heart to Zion as those engineers do that build physical highways.
What would it look like? How would you go about it?
Go back to the top and re-read the first paragraph. It’s a blueprint.
-Dave Helmuth
(purchase my book, "Worship Fertilizer: (the first hundred)" HERE)
HIghways (Nº 348)