Worship Ministry: What It Is And What It Isn’t
It took me quite a while to figure that out.
Soon Baboon Soon
Every week, when we make music together as worship teams, we have essential musical decisions to make. So here’s a humorous yet insightful story of what it takes to make music together.
How To Increase Congregational Engagement
Today, I’m giving you an outline rather than paragraphs. That’s obvious.
But what’s not obvious is how much what you do impacts congregational engagement. I want to challenge us, as leaders, to grow in BEING:
I Bless You
I got together with some friends and had seven gifts I wanted to give them. These gifts would provide a backdrop for testifying about what God had been doing. It was a real encouragement for us, and I wanted to bless you with those things.
Platform Modesty and Dress Codes
How modest is modest enough? The most common internal answer is “the same as me or more modest than me.”
The Art of Constructive Conversations
Have you ever wished your teams, pastors, and congregation were great at giving each other feedback?
Why Raising Your Hands Makes You A Charismatic
“So let me see by a show of hands,” I once asked when leading worship, “how many of you have never raised your hands in worship before?”
(now that wasn’t so bad, was it?)
Worship Values: What I Care About When I Lead Worship
I was preparing for a coaching session with a new worship leader and reading a chapter in the book we’re working through called “How To Lead Worship Without Being A Rock Star.”
Singers Prophesy
What if our singers’ primary role is to prophesy, to declare the emotion and heart of God?
From Friendly to Friends
Going it alone really, really stinks! Oh, it can kill you too. You may have friendly people on your teams, but how do you become true friends?
Drip Irrigation
I know the need for watering, fertilizing, and generally tending to the gardens (metaphorical as mine may be) are upon us every spring and summer.
The Issue of Fear (and the way to avoid it getting its grimy hooks into your #SundaySetlist planning)
My typical planning schedule…
How to Actually Do Something About My Growth Plan
I hope you were inspired by the last Worship Fertilizer to begin creating a Growth Plan, but chances are it collected about seven days of dust by now. Poor little Growth Plan.
52 Worship Training Events
When you went to your worship team rehearsal this week, what skill did you plan on working on with your team?
Drums, the Holy Spirit, and Congregational Response
Have you ever been frustrated, confused, or saddened by a lack of response from the congregation you’re leading in worship?
Best Practices: Audio
Here is a list of “best practices” to keep in mind as you serve as a Technical Artist.
4 Reasons Teams Feel Isolated And Burned Out (and what to do about it)
Do you want current members to serve for a long time?
How to Make Decisions
The most eternally creative thing you can do is make a decision.” – Dave Miller