The (He)Art And Science Of Leading
I believe our job as worship leaders is to create spaces where people can meet God.
Fresh-Baked, Homemade Chord Charts
We just made chocolate chip cookies from scratch. But get this! Part of the process was to grind our flour by hand.
The Weaving
Worship ministry is personal. It’s a beautiful weaving of the human and the Divine. It’s logical and unexplainable. It’s predictable and mysterious. But…
“The Minimum” Is Sabotaging Your Ministry
The worship leader put a message out to the team. It said:
“And Other Duties As Assigned”
I’ve been looking at lots of worship leader job descriptions lately as we help several churches look for staff. Almost all of them have some kitchen-junk-drawer statement at the end of the responsibilities
Burnout: The Anatomy Of A Dead Worship Leader
I spoke with yet another pastor who is looking for a worship leader. This one was lost to burnout.
Thriving As A Woman In Leadership
We often misunderstand equality, authority, and equity in the conversation about women in church leadership.
Get The Paddles Out
I was leading Sunday morning worship at this church. I greeted the assembled worshipers and… got back a very wimpy response. I felt like I was looking at a room of corpses.
Hymns Are Old Burned Up Plastic Bottles
The other night, I was tucking my son into bed and noticed some trash on his bunk bed shelf. It was the remains of an old, burned-up plastic Coke bottle.
Worship Team Retreat
Doesn’t this just have a great ring to it? Campfire. Eating together. Relaxed worship. Late-night talks. Teaching tailored to your team. Friendships deepened. A break from your routine. God speaking...
How Healthy Is Your Team?
As we approach the end of the year, I encourage you to take a moment between sips of 'nog (stay tuned for a killer recipe) to reflect on the state of your team's relationships.
How am I Supposed to “Worship” Singing O Little Town Of Bethlehem?!
Do you know which Sunday marks the end of the Church calendar year? (Did you know the church had its own calendar?!)
1,300 Little Finish Lines
My pastor was a college professor who had just finished the semester.
A Family Of Worshipers
What’s your worship team like? And by “worship team,” I mean the musicians and techs together.
Are you like a Worship Family? A Worship Indie Band? A Worship Elevator? Let me describe each one.
Praise Vacation
In the middle of your day. When you’re too busy to stop. When the pressure of the moment is all you can feel. When your dryness defines you. When you lack in zeal in serving the Lord.
12 Ways To Say “Welcome” In Worship
“I guess we’ll go ahead and get started.”
“Please rise to your feet.”
“Good morning…um, good MORNing! ...That’s better.”
Relationships: A Roadmap For A Growing Disciple
Every leader disciple needs to learn how to work with people.