Pride Kills
I’m not sure why anyone would want to do it. Do something that would make God go to war against you.
Become Mature And Attain The Whole Measure Of The Fullness Of Christ
Following Jesus is a HIGH calling! Not only are we to become mature, but here are two more phrases that feel exaggerated: “the whole measure” and “the fullness of Christ.”
The (He)Art And Science Of Leading
I believe our job as worship leaders is to create spaces where people can meet God.
Three Ways Out Of Fear
Stop me when this sounds familiar. I got a text from a worship director. It said, “I wanted to tell you that my wife felt ill and tested positive for COVID, so tomorrow I can’t be with you.”
It’s Not Futile
I was pushing a wheelbarrow across the discipleship training school base next door on my way to pick up some dirt for our garden.
Persuasive Headline: “God Is Always Sovereign Over Us”
Headlines are designed to DO something in us: excite, sober, inform, activate, celebrate, persuade. Persuade? That’s a fascinating thought.
2021: The Year Of The Worshiper
God is not seeking worship. God is seeking worshipers. (see John 4:23)
Stop The Sludge
I want to invite you into hope. Into a world with less anxiety. Into a less distracted, more purposeful, wildly optimistic living.
Why Not Now?
This year has been both a punch to the gut and a kick in the pants. How are you responding?
Are We Wise And Faithful Servants?
Long trials require exceptional resilience, a healthy perspective, and an ability to stick with it. But we never thought we were in a sprint, did we?
I Am Compelled
While training audio teams, I often interact with what I have come to call Sound Janitors.
Get The Paddles Out
I was leading Sunday morning worship at this church. I greeted the assembled worshipers and… got back a very wimpy response. I felt like I was looking at a room of corpses.
Actually Believe
So I had this experience where I realized that I had been lulled to sleep. Maybe you can relate to this, because I had forgotten that God is actually steadfast. He’s actually good. He’s actually all-powerful. He’s actually able to do what He said He would do.
How am I Supposed to “Worship” Singing O Little Town Of Bethlehem?!
Do you know which Sunday marks the end of the Church calendar year? (Did you know the church had its own calendar?!)
A Family Of Worshipers
What’s your worship team like? And by “worship team,” I mean the musicians and techs together.
Are you like a Worship Family? A Worship Indie Band? A Worship Elevator? Let me describe each one.
7 Words That Could Change The Way You Worship!
Praising by only singing is like golfing with only a putter, baking using only a ¼ cup measuring cup, drawing a rainbow with only a blue crayon, or fixing a car with only a ½” wrench.
I Bless You
I got together with some friends and had seven gifts I wanted to give them. These gifts would provide a backdrop for testifying about what God had been doing. It was a real encouragement for us, and I wanted to bless you with those things.
Why Raising Your Hands Makes You A Charismatic
“So let me see by a show of hands,” I once asked when leading worship, “how many of you have never raised your hands in worship before?”
(now that wasn’t so bad, was it?)