The Church Pianist (How To Re-imagine Music For Your Context)
My dear friend, George Yellak, allowed me to eavesdrop on a conversation with one of his team members.
Oblique Strategies
Have you ever wished you could “teach” your sound team to listen and mix more musically?
Is It Mandatory?
I remember asking my Dad, “Do I have to?” when asked to clean my room or do my homework.
Uncle Fred’s Coffee Soup
While I was growing up, on many Sunday mornings, my family would eat coffee soup.
Core Competencies
I read a job description for a Director of Music and was struck by the first “Core Competency” required.
How To Improve The Quality of Your Services
A worship leader recently asked me how to improve the quality of their services. That’s easy.
Loving Your Team (Even When You Don’t Particularly Like Them)
You may be in one of those glorious seasons where you click with everyone on your team. Or…
Which Is More Important: Rehearsal or Service?
How many times have you heard, “It’s just rehearsal. They can miss or be late…”?
What You Need To Hear
I never know what messages you are hearing from others, from yourself, from the voice of the deceiver.
What Your Worship Leader Isn’t Telling You
Some worship leader - senior pastor relationships are fantastic!
Watching Isn't Playing
I had made it to eighth grade. My basketball career grew in spite of my culture shock from our transition from Costa Rica to San Antonio, Texas, about two years earlier.
Meadow Tea
Meadow tea is summer in a drink. I can almost always count on a tall glass of it when visiting my sister’s farm during the summer months.
Do You Embrace Inclusion More Than Excellence?
Does your church have non-leaders leading, non-singers singing, non-musicians playing, non-communicators communicating, etc.? Many churches live in this uncomfortable reality.
Worshiping in Freedom
Any stage amplifies what’s already there. Any spotlight highlights what was hidden. If I want to be freer on stage, I need to know what freedom is offstage.
Worship Team Missional Retreat in Costa Rica
Imagine your worship team on a retreat. On a missional retreat in Costa Rica.