Personality Tests Only Tell Half the Story
Many of us hate personality tests because we feel like they box us in.
How I Create Chord Charts
See creating chord charts through the eyes of each of the Five Faders.
How I Audition New Team Members
See auditions through the eyes of each of the Five Faders.
How I Recruit New Team Members
Today begins a 10-week series to teach you how each of the Five Faders accomplishes the tasks in our to-do lists.
Fully Prepared
How do you show up to rehearsals? Would you describe it as "fully prepared?"
Get The Paddles Out
I was leading Sunday morning worship at this church. I greeted the assembled worshipers and… got back a very wimpy response. I felt like I was looking at a room of corpses.
How am I Supposed to “Worship” Singing O Little Town Of Bethlehem?!
Do you know which Sunday marks the end of the Church calendar year? (Did you know the church had its own calendar?!)
A Family Of Worshipers
What’s your worship team like? And by “worship team,” I mean the musicians and techs together.
Are you like a Worship Family? A Worship Indie Band? A Worship Elevator? Let me describe each one.
Praise Vacation
In the middle of your day. When you’re too busy to stop. When the pressure of the moment is all you can feel. When your dryness defines you. When you lack in zeal in serving the Lord.
I Bless You
I got together with some friends and had seven gifts I wanted to give them. These gifts would provide a backdrop for testifying about what God had been doing. It was a real encouragement for us, and I wanted to bless you with those things.
Why Raising Your Hands Makes You A Charismatic
“So let me see by a show of hands,” I once asked when leading worship, “how many of you have never raised your hands in worship before?”
(now that wasn’t so bad, was it?)
Singers Prophesy
What if our singers’ primary role is to prophesy, to declare the emotion and heart of God?
Worship Ministry Devotions
Do you wish that rehearsal would go deeper than just pulling the music together?
When was the Last Time?
So...when was the last time you dove in and really worshiped the Lord?
Highways to Zion
I was having a conversation with a worship team about how we connect with the Lord through worshiping together.
Simple Worshiper
I’m designed to improve things. It’s how I’m built, how I see things, how I listen, watch, and think.