How Determined Am I?
I love words! They unlock meaning if you study them out. A word recently blew up in my face.
Your Homework Assignment
Lead worship solo for a group of complete strangers. Don’t give them lyrics.
The Wrong Fix
“Next month, we’re going to audition everyone that’s on the team, and not everyone is going to make it.”
Hard is not Bad
One of the core values of our world system is the avoidance of anything hard.
Meadow Tea
Meadow tea is summer in a drink. I can almost always count on a tall glass of it when visiting my sister’s farm during the summer months.
A Fresh Take on Songs
You know how a different translation of scripture can bring a whole new meaning to light?
Eight Steps to Riding a Bike
I still remember the feeling of learning to ride in a parking lot next to our house. It was a full-body, nervous-emotional, hyper-focused experience.
Why We MUST Sing
It’s not ok with me that the whole church doesn’t worship. He is constantly worthy.
Golf Club Faith
There was a famous golfer who was visiting the king of a country. The king wanted to give him a gift, so he asked him what he liked.
God Loves a Cheerful Worshiper
Plastered on most tithe envelopes (if such things still exist) lives a little hint: “God loves a cheerful giver.” Have you seen it?
Asking “How do I find more musicians and techs?” is the wrong question
The right question is, “How can we become the team that the people we’re looking for are looking for?”
The Surfing Linebacker
We were enjoying a couple of days at the beach with some new friends, Dan and Chloe. On the final morning, they invited us to try surfing.
How to Stop Faking it as a Worship Leader
On a long enough timeline, all of us feel like temporary fakes. Sometimes the feeling lingers.
Dodging Decision Disasters
My family and I are making a big decision about where to live. We had an unexpected (yet long-prayed-for) opportunity that came upon us suddenly last Friday.
Dogs Dig Holes
Crema and Milo, my two street mutts, are lovely creatures. Except when they dig holes. Their habit makes me consider astroturfing the yard. I’m not even kidding.
Planning Feels Great
I know. If you’re a Producer Fader, you’re either rolling your eyes at a subject like “Planning Feels Great,” or you’re disappointed because I’m not stronger in my call to action.
Everything Went Sideways
We walked up on stage and noticed that every single input and output had been unplugged.
How To Lead A Team After They Experience A Moral Failure
I wish it didn’t exist. Sin. Leaders who sin. The evil that destroys. (all sin does)
Do You Embrace Inclusion More Than Excellence?
Does your church have non-leaders leading, non-singers singing, non-musicians playing, non-communicators communicating, etc.? Many churches live in this uncomfortable reality.