Limiters of Freedom
We were 100% designed for freedom. Sadly, we don’t often live like it. What limits us?
Worshiping in Freedom
Any stage amplifies what’s already there. Any spotlight highlights what was hidden. If I want to be freer on stage, I need to know what freedom is offstage.
Better Than A 79% On-Time Arrival
According to, the average on-time performance (OTP) of airlines in the USA is 79.07%. Does that sound like your worship team?
Guard The Deposit Entrusted To You
As followers of Christ, we have been given a spirit of power, a spirit of love, and a spirit of self-control. We have not been given spirits of fear.
Pride Kills
I’m not sure why anyone would want to do it. Do something that would make God go to war against you.
Become Mature And Attain The Whole Measure Of The Fullness Of Christ
Following Jesus is a HIGH calling! Not only are we to become mature, but here are two more phrases that feel exaggerated: “the whole measure” and “the fullness of Christ.”
The (He)Art And Science Of Leading
I believe our job as worship leaders is to create spaces where people can meet God.
Fresh-Baked, Homemade Chord Charts
We just made chocolate chip cookies from scratch. But get this! Part of the process was to grind our flour by hand.
How To Avoid Exhaustion
I just returned from an overstuffed, extended weekend in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. It was my first time back in the US since moving to Costa Rica about 20 months ago.
How To Make It Flow
Some churches don’t seem to mind breaks in between songs. You know, the team finishes. There are five seconds of (awkward) silence.
If You Have Time To Lean, You Have Time To Clean
“Well, I’m standing up here, so I’d better be playing something.”
Three Ways Out Of Fear
Stop me when this sounds familiar. I got a text from a worship director. It said, “I wanted to tell you that my wife felt ill and tested positive for COVID, so tomorrow I can’t be with you.”
The Weaving
Worship ministry is personal. It’s a beautiful weaving of the human and the Divine. It’s logical and unexplainable. It’s predictable and mysterious. But…
It’s Not Futile
I was pushing a wheelbarrow across the discipleship training school base next door on my way to pick up some dirt for our garden.
“The Minimum” Is Sabotaging Your Ministry
The worship leader put a message out to the team. It said:
What’s My Perception?
I asked my worship leader friend what his job was. He replied something like, “I just have to make sure there’s worship when we need it.”