What Kind of Worship Leader am I at Rehearsals?
What is it like to be at one of your rehearsals?
Your Homework Assignment
Lead worship solo for a group of complete strangers. Don’t give them lyrics.
A Fresh Take on Songs
You know how a different translation of scripture can bring a whole new meaning to light?
Fresh-Baked, Homemade Chord Charts
We just made chocolate chip cookies from scratch. But get this! Part of the process was to grind our flour by hand.
If You Have Time To Lean, You Have Time To Clean
“Well, I’m standing up here, so I’d better be playing something.”
Using The GPS Dulls Your Sense Of Direction
When we first moved to a new country, GPS was a lifesaver. By “GPS,” I’m referring to Google Maps or Waze. See, Costa Ricans are famous for giving directions like this:
Fully Prepared
How do you show up to rehearsals? Would you describe it as "fully prepared?"
Persuasive Headline: “God Is Always Sovereign Over Us”
Headlines are designed to DO something in us: excite, sober, inform, activate, celebrate, persuade. Persuade? That’s a fascinating thought.
2021: The Year Of The Worshiper
God is not seeking worship. God is seeking worshipers. (see John 4:23)
Are We Wise And Faithful Servants?
Long trials require exceptional resilience, a healthy perspective, and an ability to stick with it. But we never thought we were in a sprint, did we?
Get The Paddles Out
I was leading Sunday morning worship at this church. I greeted the assembled worshipers and… got back a very wimpy response. I felt like I was looking at a room of corpses.
Hymns Are Old Burned Up Plastic Bottles
The other night, I was tucking my son into bed and noticed some trash on his bunk bed shelf. It was the remains of an old, burned-up plastic Coke bottle.
How am I Supposed to “Worship” Singing O Little Town Of Bethlehem?!
Do you know which Sunday marks the end of the Church calendar year? (Did you know the church had its own calendar?!)
Praise Vacation
In the middle of your day. When you’re too busy to stop. When the pressure of the moment is all you can feel. When your dryness defines you. When you lack in zeal in serving the Lord.
Singers Prophesy
What if our singers’ primary role is to prophesy, to declare the emotion and heart of God?
The Issue of Fear (and the way to avoid it getting its grimy hooks into your #SundaySetlist planning)
My typical planning schedule…