A Family Of Worshipers
What’s your worship team like? And by “worship team,” I mean the musicians and techs together.
Are you like a Worship Family? A Worship Indie Band? A Worship Elevator? Let me describe each one.
Soon Baboon Soon
Every week, when we make music together as worship teams, we have essential musical decisions to make. So here’s a humorous yet insightful story of what it takes to make music together.
How To Increase Congregational Engagement
Today, I’m giving you an outline rather than paragraphs. That’s obvious.
But what’s not obvious is how much what you do impacts congregational engagement. I want to challenge us, as leaders, to grow in BEING:
The Art of Constructive Conversations
Have you ever wished your teams, pastors, and congregation were great at giving each other feedback?
Worship Values: What I Care About When I Lead Worship
I was preparing for a coaching session with a new worship leader and reading a chapter in the book we’re working through called “How To Lead Worship Without Being A Rock Star.”
The Issue of Fear (and the way to avoid it getting its grimy hooks into your #SundaySetlist planning)
My typical planning schedule…
How to Make Decisions
The most eternally creative thing you can do is make a decision.” – Dave Miller
Six Things I Learned About Rehearsals (From Leading a New Team Every Week…For Years!)
Almost every week, I lead a new team of musicians. Sometimes all we have is a Sunday morning rehearsal.
Worship Ministry Devotions
Do you wish that rehearsal would go deeper than just pulling the music together?
Dissatisfaction - Friend or Foe?
Perhaps the reason growth is often slow or painful in churches is we’re so focused on keeping people happy and satisfied, we never have enough dissatisfaction to tip the scales for growth to happen.