Planning Feels Great
I know. If you’re a Producer Fader, you’re either rolling your eyes at a subject like “Planning Feels Great,” or you’re disappointed because I’m not stronger in my call to action.
Do You Embrace Inclusion More Than Excellence?
Does your church have non-leaders leading, non-singers singing, non-musicians playing, non-communicators communicating, etc.? Many churches live in this uncomfortable reality.
Limiters of Freedom
We were 100% designed for freedom. Sadly, we don’t often live like it. What limits us?
Worshiping in Freedom
Any stage amplifies what’s already there. Any spotlight highlights what was hidden. If I want to be freer on stage, I need to know what freedom is offstage.
Better Than A 79% On-Time Arrival
According to, the average on-time performance (OTP) of airlines in the USA is 79.07%. Does that sound like your worship team?
The (He)Art And Science Of Leading
I believe our job as worship leaders is to create spaces where people can meet God.
How To Make It Flow
Some churches don’t seem to mind breaks in between songs. You know, the team finishes. There are five seconds of (awkward) silence.
The Weaving
Worship ministry is personal. It’s a beautiful weaving of the human and the Divine. It’s logical and unexplainable. It’s predictable and mysterious. But…
What’s My Perception?
I asked my worship leader friend what his job was. He replied something like, “I just have to make sure there’s worship when we need it.”
Using The GPS Dulls Your Sense Of Direction
When we first moved to a new country, GPS was a lifesaver. By “GPS,” I’m referring to Google Maps or Waze. See, Costa Ricans are famous for giving directions like this:
Persuasive Headline: “God Is Always Sovereign Over Us”
Headlines are designed to DO something in us: excite, sober, inform, activate, celebrate, persuade. Persuade? That’s a fascinating thought.
Burnout: The Anatomy Of A Dead Worship Leader
I spoke with yet another pastor who is looking for a worship leader. This one was lost to burnout.
The Need For Guest Worship Leaders
I ask myself “Where are the other leaders at the church?”
Thriving As A Woman In Leadership
We often misunderstand equality, authority, and equity in the conversation about women in church leadership.
A Tight Grip
I was leading worship for a group of YWAMers this week, and in my first song, I noticed that my left hand had a tight grip on the neck of the guitar.
Get The Paddles Out
I was leading Sunday morning worship at this church. I greeted the assembled worshipers and… got back a very wimpy response. I felt like I was looking at a room of corpses.
Actually Believe
So I had this experience where I realized that I had been lulled to sleep. Maybe you can relate to this, because I had forgotten that God is actually steadfast. He’s actually good. He’s actually all-powerful. He’s actually able to do what He said He would do.
Hymns Are Old Burned Up Plastic Bottles
The other night, I was tucking my son into bed and noticed some trash on his bunk bed shelf. It was the remains of an old, burned-up plastic Coke bottle.
How am I Supposed to “Worship” Singing O Little Town Of Bethlehem?!
Do you know which Sunday marks the end of the Church calendar year? (Did you know the church had its own calendar?!)