Soon Baboon Soon
Every week, when we make music together as worship teams, we have essential musical decisions to make. So here’s a humorous yet insightful story of what it takes to make music together.
I Bless You
I got together with some friends and had seven gifts I wanted to give them. These gifts would provide a backdrop for testifying about what God had been doing. It was a real encouragement for us, and I wanted to bless you with those things.
Platform Modesty and Dress Codes
How modest is modest enough? The most common internal answer is “the same as me or more modest than me.”
The Art of Constructive Conversations
Have you ever wished your teams, pastors, and congregation were great at giving each other feedback?
Why Raising Your Hands Makes You A Charismatic
“So let me see by a show of hands,” I once asked when leading worship, “how many of you have never raised your hands in worship before?”
(now that wasn’t so bad, was it?)
Drums, the Holy Spirit, and Congregational Response
Have you ever been frustrated, confused, or saddened by a lack of response from the congregation you’re leading in worship?