Service Evaluation
It's like a "secret shopper" service for your church!
Have you ever wondered how guests experience your church?
Do you wish you had a pair of fresh eyes to see those things that are making you less effective?
Do you call yourself “contemporary” but really sound more like “soft rock,” “old-people’s-versions of modern songs,” or “a traditional service with the liturgy and hymns removed”?
Maybe you do the music well, but do you know what you sound like and can you articulate that?
How does the way that you “do church” on a Sunday morning line up with your vision and values? Does it contradict them?
Perhaps you want to be “inviting and a safe place for the lost” but “your worship service is designed only for Christians in language, tradition, aesthetic, and expectations.” Wouldn't you want to know?
Here’s how it works.
Answer a short questionnaire to get at some of the heart of your church. Knowing what your vision and values are, as well as your goals for your worship services, will help us arrive prepared and watching for the elements you specifically want us to evaluate. Going through the process of articulating this will be of great value to you!
One of our coaches will come on a Sunday morning to experience your church - from the website, to the parking lot, to the greeters, the service, the music, the flow, and the vibe of the community afterward. You can choose whether your team knows about it or whether it's truly a "secret shopper" experience.
We meet with your team and present our findings and observations. We'll also give you a few "quick fixes" - things that you can easily shift that will have great results. Of course, you can choose who is at this meeting, but we recommend the pastors, worship leaders, and anyone else who regularly gives leadership during a service make this meeting a priority.
The cost for this service is only $500.
To become more effective as a church, “you don’t have to change who you are. You have to become more of who you are.” (Sally Hogshead, How the World Sees You)
Fill out this form to start the conversation.