
What is YOUR church doing? (6 months into the pandemic)

We asked 6 worship leaders "What is YOUR church doing?"

1. What are your weekly gatherings like?

2. How is your worship/tech team involved?

3. What is God saying about any significant shifts or themes?

Here are some of the responses.

It’s given my team the time and space to say “What am I doing and why and I doing it?”

What is church? I’d rather focus on training people how to meet outside of Sunday AM and disciple each other. How to multiply disciples who multiply disciples. Sunday morning was never meant to be for us, but for others. But it had been. DECENTRALIZE THE CHURCH to share the load with one another. Everyone plays. Racial reconciliation is an important current theme. We have the opportunity to reinvent ourselves and focus on what matters most. We don’t need to try to get everyone back to a meeting on Sunday, but we do need to help everyone stay connected - a foot can’t be part of the body if you leave it in the freezer.


Family Worship


To Rehearse or Not Rehearse