Worship Coaching helps you be
the BEST
version of
Have you been looking for someone to walk alongside you in your leadership journey? Welcome!
You’re not a number.
You’re not a schedule-filler.
You’re valued more than your talent.
You’re joining a community of worshipers.
Your mission is to grow in simple love and pure devotion to Jesus as you create spaces where people can meet with God. Our mission is to help you be the very best version of yourself.
Worship Fertilizer Blog
Here are some of the ways we help.
One-on-one Coaching Sessions
Whether you're a seasoned leader or just getting started, worship coaching can dramatically improve your effectiveness and longevity.
Don't wait until you're down in the dumps and ready to quit to get a coach.
We will teach you how to take your leadership to the next level.
Rehearsal Coaching
You may not know how to fix what's ailing your band, or you may know, but you're in that spot where you're so used to a certain player's bad habits that you feel weird addressing it. Or you all just want to feel more confident and comfortable! We've all been there.
We’ll come to your church worship rehearsal in work with your team without you having to schedule a separate training event!
Audio Training
Training for audio techs that brings us to your church! You can pick the topic and have us help.
Training for audio techs that brings us to your church for six sessions! It includes:
A 2-hour training session at your church where you’ll learn the basics of signal flow, gain staging, equalization, and the heart of the sound tech’s job. Resolution of some of your current issues so you’ll get some “quick wins.”
A second 2-hour training session at your church where you’ll learn Best Practices of monitoring, mics, mixing, troubleshooting, etc.
Four additional training sessions where each tech will receive an individual training session during a weekly rehearsal, where you’ll have the chance to ask very specific questions and receive real mentoring where each tech needs it most.
(How many churches have bought gear they didn’t need or didn’t buy gear they did need?) Ad Lib’s Audio Coaches will be the church’s advocate, serving as audio professionals with expert perspective not tied to “selling more,” but just to doing the job well. We will help you create a “needs list” to present to the potential AV companies, wade through the bids, showing strengths and concessions of each, and then walk alongside you through the completion of the installation as an advocate rather than an installer.
A System Tuning and Optimization will help you start from solid ground. When you equalize the system (before using EQ to adjust individual channels), you reduce the chance of feedback, annoying hum, and painful frequencies. We will optimize your system with proper gain structuring and system equalization. Click here for more details. (If you have a simple system without a system processor, contact us for lower pricing options.)
Sometimes it’s helpful to have a professional tech at your Sunday morning service to observe the dynamics or even run the system “in real-time.” (when “the only time that crazy bug in the system decides to scuttle out of its dark corner!”) You can also have a Worship Coach come too so he/she can focus on the band (and how that affects the sound).
Hiring a Worship Leader
We support the church through a Christ-centered process in hiring a worship leader who is a great fit. We are not headhunters, nor do we have dozens of great leaders waiting to be paraded in front of your church’s hiring team. Rather, we join your team as a seasoned worship leader and expert in the area of worship, with a tested system for hiring. The strength of what we bring is in being intelligent discernment partners, avoiding costly pitfalls in qualifying or disqualifying candidates. We bring outside perspective and help you make the best decision.
We’ll handle creating or editing the job description, posting and advertising, prescreening, and interviewing - everything from beginning to end! Download the PDF.
We support the church through the initial stages of a Christ-centered process in hiring a worship leader who is a great fit.
After helping you with the initial discernment and articulation of the kind of leader you need, we provide the church with our Hiring Playbook to walk through the rest of the process on your own.
Once you have candidates to interview, we’re available to meet with and evaluate them.
We’ll help your worship ministry continue growing during a leadership transition by providing guest worship leaders to maintain a quality, worshipful experience until the new staff is hired. (Typical range is $2500-$7500 per month)
This program includes everything from the Hiring Program and the Interim Worship Leader Program. We provide an excellent worship leader who gets to know your church, working from the inside to hire a new leader from the outside. This arrangement helps with cash flow. The interim service starts at $500 per week. The hiring service is $300 per week, with a minimum of $6500 and a maximum of $7100.
Whether you need a fill-in for staff vacation, someone is ill, have an emergency, or just want a break, we'll send a seasoned worship leader to model effective worship leading, train your worship team at a rehearsal, and give your congregation [and worship leaders!] a breath of fresh air.
The unique challenges of hiring a worship leader demand it! We bring:
● Knowledge: Assess the musical skills, leadership skills, personal philosophy, and core aptitudes of candidates to help determine that it is a great fit for this specific church and role. We utilize our Five Faders motivational system to discern precisely the leader your church and team need. You’re not just looking for the Average Sam worship leader. You’re looking for that uncommon, specific “unicorn” worship leader.
● Perspective: Clearly and accurately describe the church, the win, and the role needed – from an outside perspective. We also serve as an objective yet empathetic third party who has no skin in the game except to care for worship leaders and help churches.
● Focus and consistent energy: Typically, hiring isn’t anyone’s “job” at the church – rather, they’re being asked to add it to their plates, which often comes at the expense of the core mission. And because they’re asking staff and volunteers to invest time in this program, we have a time-saving yet thorough process to efficiently do the maximum amount of work BEFORE getting the team together for an interview. We bring customizable templates, a proven track record, and seasoned worship leader perspective.
● Connections: Network with potential candidates, schools, and denominations from our existing network. That said, it’s important to note that we are NOT a headhunting organization that will send you dozens of candidates from our database. As experts in worship and hiring worship leaders, we join your team with the heart to see the church healthy and growing.
Service Evaluation
It's like a "secret shopper" service!
Answer a short questionnaire.
One of our coaches will come on a Sunday morning.
We meet with your team and present our findings and observations.
Worship Team Retreat
A worship team retreat. Doesn't that just have a great ring to it? Campfire. Eating together. Relaxed worship. Late night talks. Teaching tailored to your team. Friendships deepened. A break from your normal routine. God speaking...
And you don't have to lead a thing!
Pick a spot, pick a date, we'll do the rest. Ah, rest. Yep. Even you as the leader will get a rest. We'll lead times of worship, sharing, and teaching. You can pick the topics or we'll suggest one based on your church's needs.
Please tell me you've experienced the wonder of a worship team retreat. They are just amazing. , these affordable investments will have the effect of deepening your team's relationships significantly!
Take the first step
We believe that the leadership journey is too long to try to go it alone. That's why we come alongside you and help you lead at your very best! We keep worship leaders from being isolated and burned out.
Maybe you want to start by getting more information. That's great! Go to our blog...we call it the "Worship Fertilizer...it's just what you'll need to help you grow in worship."
Simply choose a date and time to connect with one of our Coaches and you'll be on your way to leading to your full potential. There's absolutely no obligation or sales pitches!
Your Coaches
Cindy Zeyak [PA]
I have a deep heart for worship and love people. I’m an encourager who longs to see healthy relationships within the church, especially between worship leaders and senior pastors.
Craig Knapp [CO]
My responsibility is to provide you with the necessary resources to utilize your God-given talents and worship Him.
Dave Helmuth [CR]
Out-of-the-box, relational, and energizing, I’m the founder that leads Ad Lib Music and a catalyst that builds connections that strengthen the Church.
Jimmy Gagliardi [PA]
Prolific, diligent, and thorough, my passion is to guide teams in biblical and musical foundations in order to create purposeful worship teams.
Josh Stewart [TX]
Relational, purposeful, and experienced in multiple environments and service style dynamics. I shepherd the hearts of worship leaders and their teams to serve their church through the context of scripture and in the environment God has called them in.
Kevin Denlinger [CO]
Empathetic, spirited, and compelling, I can energize your team and make them feel valued as I help bring people into His presence…I’m simply a worship leader at heart.
Mark Rineer [PA]
I am an encourager and love seeing others succeed, especially in growing in the truth and knowledge of their faith in Jesus. It is my greatest privilege to help worship leaders, musicians, and followers of Jesus realize an intimate relationship with Him.
Matt Kerley [TX]
I am most passionate about creating an experience for people to encounter the Lord’s Presence and to walk away feeling connected to their destiny, valued & empowered.
Tony Guyer [PA]
Expressive and emotionally intelligent, I teach audio techs to be the best listeners in the room.
Walter Kondratowski [PA]
As a bi-vocational minister, I serve the Church specializing in worship and production ministries.
Worship MUST be your priority because it SETS your priority.