Coach Cindy Zeyak

I have a deep heart for worship and love people. I’m an encourager who longs to see healthy relationships within the church, especially between worship leaders and senior pastors.

I listen, ask questions, and long to encourage leaders. I have many years of experience leading worship and love singing to bless the heart of Jesus.

I grew up in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania and have lived here all my life. After high school, I did mission work in the UK for about a year. Upon my return, I went to college and earned an AA degree in Early Childhood Education and taught preschool for 7 years. I had been a volunteer worship leader through those early young adult years, starting by leading a youth worship team.

I never thought I could do it.

It took a youth leader saying, "Cindy, when are you gonna get off your butt and start leading worship?!" I didn't want to keep giving in to my lack of confidence, so I gave it a try and found out it was truly my passion! I traveled to different states, leading worship and sometimes getting to speak for seminars. I even had the amazing opportunity to record an album when I was 26 (my kids get a kick out of those CDs and cassette tapes.)

At 29, I married my best friend, and now we have 2 teenage boys. After the boys were in school, I was offered a job as worship director, again feeling incapable, but once again, I realized how much I loved it! Working with worship teams: pastoring, mentoring, encouraging, and helping to raise up new leaders, I realized this was my new passion.

However, through part of the 7 years of directing worship ministries, I experienced what too many leaders go through: struggling to navigate the challenges of church leadership. It has birthed in me such a desire to see worship leaders and pastors having healthy relationships and being able to truly work as a team for one purpose: to glorify Jesus and make Him known. If I can encourage one more person to not give up on their faith, gift and calling, all of the tough stuff would be so worth it!

Contact me at or pick a time for us to Zoom below.